We Love Our Locals!

At Sunny Cycles, we're dedicated to getting involved with our local community and spreading the joy of cycling! We participate in local events, host bike rides, and work with local leadership to give back to our community and make direct relationships that go beyond the threshold of our business.

 Bicycling Resource Guide (West LA)

City of LA – Bicycle Advisory Committee (LABAC)



LABAC Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1TcSpr0y6BHDXJqAS9iaSQ

Hosted Rides

One Day Events and Rides in and around LA

www.ciclavia.org/ - closes streets to car traffic for cyclists and pedestrian use. Occurs between 4-6 times a year. Sites vary across City of LA. Current schedule can be found here: https://www.ciclavia.org/events 

Epic one day events worth traveling to ride

www.bikethewest.com/ sponsors America’s Most Beautiful Bike Ride and Tour de Tahoe. 


Weekly/monthly rides of special interest

www.facebook.com/VeniceElectricLightParade - We are Venice cyclists promoting Bicycle Safety at Night. Join us every Sunday at 6:35pm Venice Beach for the Event. Wheel Lights aren't required to ride.

https://www.lacriticalmass.org/ (America’s Largest Community Bicycle Ride) is the last Friday of the month. Gathers at 6:30pm, Rolls out at 7:29pm.


http://bicycleacademy.blogspot.com/ - to improve conditions for bicyclists and pedestrians at UCLA. 

https://bikinginla.com/ - It’s about the latest bike news. It’s about advocacy, and making our streets safe for people on bicycles. It’s about honoring fallen cyclists, and doing what we can to ensure it never happens again. And looking past the usual victim blaming to see events from a bike rider’s perspective.

https://bikeleague.org/ - THE LEAGUE represents bicyclists in the movement to create safer roads, stronger communities, and a Bicycle Friendly America. Through education, advocacy and promotion, we work to celebrate and preserve the freedom cycling brings to our members everywhere.

www.facebook.com/bikemetro/events/  - offers a series of in person and virtual free safe cycling workshops and other critical/helpful resources.

https://www.bikethevote.com/ - Through engagement and its endorsement process, Bike The Vote L.A. works to advance progressive transportation policies in our future leaders.

https://www.calbike.org/ - CalBike advocates for equitable, inclusive, and prosperous communities where bicycling helps to enable all Californians to lead healthy and joyful lives.

https://cyclingsavvy.org/ - To help our communities become more livable and sustainable by promoting a civil and cooperative environment on our roads through complementary education and infrastructure design.

https://cyclingwithoutage.org/ - Cycling Without Age is based on generosity and kindness. It starts with the obvious generous act of taking one or two elderly or less-abled people out on a bike ride.

https://www.finishtheride.org/ - Finish the Ride was started in the spirit of courage and determination to overcome tragedy despite insurmountable odds. It is a movement, which has been heard around the world, to stop the epidemic of hit and run crimes and make the streets safer for all road users.

https://labikecommittee.org/ - The purpose of the BAC is to act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor, City Council Members, and the various agencies of the government of the City of Los Angeles in the encouragement and facilitation of the use of the bicycle as regular means of transportation and recreation.

https://www.la-bike.org/ Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) - committed to making our entire LA community safer for all roads users. We believe that cycling is not only a great form of recreation, but is a great form of transportation that not only has the ability to help improve ones physical and mental health, but also bring together our communities in brand new ways.

http://bikeculvercity.org/ - Bike Culver City is your home for all-things bicycle throughout Culver City. Join the chapter to get involved in advocacy efforts, learn more about local rides, and get more information!

http://www.smspoke.org/ - dedicated to improving walking, biking and healthy active transportation in the City of Santa Monica. We are a community-based nonprofit working to make Santa Monica more sustainable, and a better place to live, walk, bike, work and play.

https://bikeucla.wordpress.com/ is a collective of students, faculty, and staff working to make the UCLA campus and the surrounding area a better place to ride.

https://la.streetsblog.org/ - Streetsblog connects people to information about how to reduce dependence on cars and improve conditions for walking, biking, and transit. 

https://www.losangeleswalks.org/ - Los Angeles Walks is a pedestrian advocacy organization that envisions Los Angeles as a vibrant city in which people can and do walk regularly for transportation, exercise, or fun. 

https://www.peopleforbikes.org/ - To get more people riding bikes more often. To make bike riding better for everyone.

https://safemoves.org/ - a non-profit organization, is considered one of the leading authorities in the country on traffic safety education for children and teens. They are dedicated to reducing traffic-related deaths and injuries to school-aged children.

https://scag.ca.gov/go-human - Go Human is a community engagement program with the goals of reducing traffic collisions in Southern California and encouraging people to walk and bike more. 

https://streetsforall.org/ - We believe in equitable use of our streets in all parts of the city, regardless of the user’s age, race, income, gender, or zip code and that all citizens benefit from complete streets, including motorists (a complete street offers safety, comfort, and convenience for all users regardless of age, ability, or means of transportation).

https://www.peopleforbikes.org/ - To get more people riding bikes more often. To make bike riding better for everyone.

www.peopleformobilityjustice.org - As a Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) collective, we seed critical consciousness about mobility justice across all communities.

http://walkmorebikemore.org/ Walk ‘n Rollers was founded to encourage children to walk and bike to school more frequently.

https://worlddayofremembrance.org/ - The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (WDR) is commemorated on the third Sunday of November each year.

Used Bikes/Repair/Registration Resources

DIY Bike Repair

https://bikerowave.org/ - West LA/Mar Vista 90066

https://bicyclekitchen.org/ - East Hollywood, 90029

https://www.facebook.com/bikeoven/ - North East LA 90065

Competitive Racing/Cycling Resources

https://usacycling.org/ - amateur bicycle racing association.

http://www.encinovelodrome.org/  - outdoor velodrome in Encino.


https://lavelodrome.org/ - indoor wood velodrome in Carson.

https://www.bahatifoundation.org - empowers inner-city youth by providing them with life skills programs that promote positive values, healthy habits, access to ed-tech, and cycling – resulting in real-life power, on and off the bike.

Family Friendly/New Rider Opportunities



Safe Routes to School - https://www.metro.net/projects/srts/ 

Hand signals 101 - People for Bikes


My Guide to Biking in LA


The Lite Bright Bike Club – seasonal kid centric early night time ride during “winter” months created by the North Westdale community in Mar Vista. https://www.facebook.com/groups/northwestdale 

Government agencies related to cycling









Multi-day Charity Rides




Ride Calendar and Bike/Cycling Clubs
(good source for regular group rides- levels vary by club and ride)

https://bicyclegrouprides.com/ is the ultimate group ride calendar for LA and SF.

https://www.instagram.com/the.mixed.race - publishes local weekend ride suggestions on Fridays

Beach Cities Cycling Club - https://www.bccclub.org/

Big Orange is a racing oriented club. https://www.bigorangecycling.org/

https://www.lacriticalmass.org/ - America’s largest community bicycle ride.

https://www.differentspokes.com/ - Come out and ride with Southern California's most diverse cycling club!

https://www.esrbc.org/ - East Side Riders Bike Club is a volunteer organization in Watts with a mission to improve Watts through community service, charity work, and bike programs aimed at keeping local youth out of gang activity.

Grand Masters Cycling for the Best of your life. https://www.grandmasterscycling.org/

LaGrange one of the largest/oldest cycling clubs - https://www.lagrange.org/ 

https://www.latriclub.com/ - LATC is the core and hub of multi-sport in Los Angeles

https://majortaylorcyclingclubla.org/ - a “no drop” club is named in honor of Major Taylor an American cycling legend in the early 1900s.

Major Motion Recreational Cycling - a group of bicyclists who enjoy the pleasure of riding with friends and family. We are not racers, and we welcome people of all abilities. We offer easy, moderate and difficult rides.


https://www.instagram.com/the.mixed.race – fast paced group ride on Thursdays at 8pm, meets close to Bikerowave (Venice and Centinela) and ride calendar too!

https://www.rapha.cc/us/en_US/rcc is a global community of passionate, active cyclists with exclusive access to our most sought-after products, experiences and offers

https://ridewitus.com/ RWU hosts group rides every Tuesday & Thursday @ 6:15pm, and most Saturdays of the month. Weekly schedules are posted on the website and IG every Monday. goal is to explore Los Angeles TOGETHER. Meeting locations will vary from week to week but will remain primarily in the Los Angeles area.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/wlacyclingclub/  - We ride starting at Dock 52 13552 Fiji Way, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 JOIN US! Most of our rides start around 10-10:30 am on either Saturday or Sunday mornings.

Women on Bikes Culver City (https://www.facebook.com/groups/118089858878868) •Support each other as women who choose to use bicycles for transportation not only for recreation.• Be a model of encouragement for other women who want to use their bicycles for transportation but don’t know how to get started…

Where to ride bike guides, maps and apps




https://www.la-bike.org/self-guided-rides LACBC’s incredible collection of self-guided tours>











Cycling Phone Apps


www.google.com/maps has a “bike” option that will map your route for bikes.




Memorials and Organizations that honor those who’ve died cycling/walking in LA



Southern Calif Families for Safe Streets - www.losangeleswalks.org/socal_fss 

Music, Art, Literature and Culture

Biking While Black - short documentary, www.youtube.com/watch?v=96KDo0PgY60 

Ade Neff and Ride on Bike Shop www.facebook.com/NBAonESPN/videos/2935015886746334/  and https://vimeo.com/147767982 

Ade Neff - Ride On (presented by Nissan) https://vimeo.com/677886210 

Great Street Challenge (Ade Neff) https://vimeo.com/180809381 

I Got Stopped on Bike Rides Because I 'Fit' a Description - Ade Neff - www.Bicycling.com 

All Bodies On BIkes

​​Justin Williams gives his perspective on representation and inclusivity in cycling. 

Cycling With a Larger Body Ft. Kailey Kornhauser

Deaf Cyclist Races Across America Twice

Bicycle/Race: Transportation, Culture, & Resistance - Bicycle/Race paints an unforgettable picture of Los Angeles—and the United States—from the perspective of two wheels. Adonia E. Lugo, PhD




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We're here to help!

12220 Venice Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90066

Call or Text 310-313-6300 

Email: Anna@sunnycyclesla.com

Instagram: @sunnycycles_la

TikTok: sunnycycles